Annual Reports

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Thank you to our 2023-2024 donors!
Organizations and Foundations
Adat Shalom B’nai Israel-Beth Jacob
Bittner King Dental
Bozzone Family Foundation
Cornerstone Restaurant
Douds, Inc
Fox Chapel Area Newcomers Club
Fox Chapel Killer Whales Swimming
Frank B Fuhrer Wholesale Company
Frost Brown Todd LLC
Giant Eagle Inc.
Huntington Bank
Jewish Federation Pittsburgh
JMLinton & Associates, Inc.
Lauren and Adam Sufrin Family Foundation
Lloyd Stamy, Jr. Charitable Fund
Local Provisions
Maher Family Foundation II
Monroeville Dodge
O’Hara Township
Peterry Charitable Foundation
Primanti Brothers
Print Tech of WPA
Second Harvest Community Thrift Store
Simpson & McCrady LLC
Smith Orthodontics
Staley Capital Advisers, Inc
The Barnett Family Foundation
The Burke Foundations
The Double Eagle Foundation
The Milton G. Hulme Charitable Foundation
The Natali Foundation
The Rockwell Foundation
The Steven E Burke and Gail S Burke Foundation
Individual Donors
Beda and Jason Adams
Susan and Larry Adams
Anju and Rohit Agrawal
David Allerton
Cynthia Amerman
Maureen and Eric Anderson
Janis and Douglas Arnold
Christine and Julian Asenjo
Karin and Aaron Asher
Katie and Mike Auffenberg
Rebecca Bachman
Piching and Nisantha Bandaranayake
Langley Barnes
Richard Barnes
Tingle and Richard Barnes
Susan Bartlett
Robin and Jeffrey Baum
Christine and Beau Beard
John K Beeson, JR
Mary and Vincent Beirne
Nan and Andrew Bennett
Christine and David Bennett
John Beresik
Mallary Swartz and Jon Berkowitz
Amy and Jonathan Berman
Deborah and William Berner
Mallory Bernstein
Angel Bilbao
Sarah and Jordan Blask
Bill Boag
Rosemary and Drake Bosler
Ann Bradley
Marilyn Bradshaw
Kathryn Braham
Sasha and Seth Brecher
Rebecca and Joshua Brown
Stephanie and Andy Bruno
Jacqueline and Charles Brusco
Ricco Brusco
Jane Bull
Carole King and Chip Burke
Joyce and Michael Bussler
Jackie and Richard Cagley
Brenda Calihan
Kristi and Carlin Campbell
David and Louise Cannon
Nadine Champsi and Kevin Carl
Julia and Andrew Carlson
Rosemary Carroll
Ellen Carvelli
Gloria and Donald Casey
Patty and Sean Casey
Maggie and John Charley
Susan and Alan Citron
Patricia Claus
Sandy Clements
Corinne Cline
Mori Colon
Julie and Jonathan Colton
Alex and Tonja Condron
Erin Connolly
Jaqi Conomikes
Naomi Weisberg Siegel and Eric Cooper
Veronica Corpuz
Debra Coulson
Anne and Jack Crawford
Michel and William Crawford
Susan and Alan Crittenden
Kathleen Crock
Bobbie and Samuel Cubbage
John Culbertson
Arlene Cullen
Marybeth Dadd
Bonnie and Stephen Dake
Adriana and Moutaz Dandashi
Sarah and Bryson Datt
Laurie and Philip Davidson
Flavia and Alex Davit
Barbara Deem
Laura Deger
Robert Degusipe
Mary Delaney
Diane Demmler
Cathy and Jack Demos
Bonnie and Ryan DeMotte
Michael Dickens
Tina and Matthew DiGioia
Christine and Jim Dockey
Constance Donnelly
Dan Donovan
Christine and Michel Douglas
L. Cleland Dowler
Theresa Dozzi
Sharon and James Drake
Giselle Dudek
Katie and Darem Dughri
Mary Jo and Terry Dunlap
Jay Duquette
Cassie and Chip Eccles
Beverlynn and Steven Elliott
Annie Engel
Bard Ermentrout
Libby and Johannes Ernharth
Byron Falchetti
Nancy Farber
Christine Farrell
Janet and Michael Fazzini
Michael Feeney
Lisa and Keith Fenton
Laura and Robert Ferris
Gabe and Rich Ferry
Marlie and Dan Filipek
Megan and Jeremy Fincher
Lisa Fischetti
Joanna and Michael Flanagan
Barbara and Harry Fleishman
Stephanie Flom
Alessandra and John Fontecchio
Nancy and Kent Foster
Anne Francis
Lynn Frederick
Charlie Friday
Kathleen and Roger Friday
Robyn and Marc Friedberg
Kathryn Fuhrer
Frank Fuhrer III
Anna and Bill Futrell
Molly and Paul Gabos
Lynn Gackenbach
Cynthia Gamblin
Jennifer and Zachary Gamblin
Norbert Garbisch
Sandra and Alvaro Garcia-Tunon
Mary Lou and Carl Gatewood
Tammy Shields and Mark Gladwin
Gretchen and James Gockley
Judy and Bob Goehring
Julia Golier
Robert Golier
Dana Rofey and Adam Golomb
Christie and Lance Good
Susan Buchman and Adam Goode
Leslie Graciano
Barbara and Les Gray
Richard and Dana Green
Cora Greim
Mary and James Grenen
Dr. Zipora Gur
Lana Guttman
Linda Hackett
Brianna and Eric Hager
Margarita and Walt Halasowski
Laura and Eric Hamilton
D.J. Hammerschmidt
Judy and Michael Hannon
Marilyn Harbage
Susan and Fred Harchelroad
Gail Harger
Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell Harmon
Janice Harrison
Anne and David Heiner
Suzanne and Gary Heitzenroder
Jean and Clifford Hendry
Susan and Jim Herald
Jane Herrmann
Joanne Herrmann
James Higgins
Amy Himmel
Jean Harwick and Barry Hirsch
Samantha and Edward Hirschberg
Elizabeth Hixson
Lynn and John Hohman
Judith Holt
Carole Skinger and John Horn
Marian and Frank Hughes
Bettyanne Huntington
Juli and Steve Huntington
Meg Huwar
Lisa and Bob Hyland
Sharon Goldstein and Craig Jahnke
Celeste and Bob Janosko
Margot and Bill Johnjulio
Gina and Thomas Johnson
Meghann and Christopher Jones
Jane and Bud Kahn
Renee and Jarrette Kalp
Angela and John Kamin
Betsy and Bob Kampmeinert
Chester Karas
Barry H. Kart
Autumn and Joseph Katarincic
Louise Keller
Dennis Kelly
Max Kirk
Trish and Erich Klatt
Carrie and Chris Kline
Kyle Kotchey
Genevieve Kozusko
Andrew Krasnow
Laurie and Daniel Kwiatkowski
PJ and Henrik Lagerquist
Karen and Harrison Lauer
Susan and Paul Lieber
JoAnne and Donald Lightner
Susan and Sanford Littwin
Rosemary and Howard Loevner
David Longhini
Lauren and Michael Lorenz
Margo and David Lyle
Ruth and Neil Mackay
Kristie and Brian Madden
Richard Madden
Betsy Magovern
Heidi and Dan Magrish
Judy and Dan Mainiero
Amy and Jan Marks
Sylvia and Peter Maurin
Anne McConnel
Barbara and Alvin McElfresh
Denise McGinley
Marcy and Sean McGovern
Alexandra McLaughlin
Ginny Merchant
Cate and Joe Mettenburg
Ann Meyer
Penny and Bill Meyer
Amy and Alexander Micklow
Frank and Katie Mihm
Janet Milan
Cecelia Miller
John Miller
Erica and Stephen Miller
Blima and Ricardo Mitre
Fred Mitsch
Brooke and Jose Molina
Peggy and William Mooney
Elizabeth Morgan
Donna and Ronald Morosky
Carol and Linton Moyer
Victoria Muckinhaupt
Maggie and Patrick Mulhern
Rebecca Ringham and Michael Myerburg
Diane and Gene Natali
Judith and Emil Neufeld
Angela Nolfi
Colleen and David O’Brien
Tim O’Brien
Maureen and Scott Oehrle
Jessica and Alan Olifson
Dana Panza
Catherine and Scott Parker
Susan Patrick
Laurel Yasko and Luke Patsey
Jessica and Brian Pekarcik
Kathryn and Jeff Pepper
Rachel and Shamus Petrucelli
Sharon and James Pfeiffer
Janice Phillips
Shirley Phillis
Cathy and Rick Pieper
Thomas Pietrcollo
Michelle and Francis Pipak
Linda Pool
Kirsten and Colin Powell
Kimberly and John Power
Kimberly Howard-Quijano and Kevin Quijano
Michael Quinn
Amy Redl
Anne and Scott Reid
Walter Reineman
Mary Catherine Reljac
Joseph Robinson
Myson Robles-Bruce
Lisa and Kevin Romango
Jennifer and Richard Romero
Lita Rothenberg
Rhonda and Mark Rothert
Lisa Rothstein
Bridget Recznik and Matthew Rudzki
Kelly and James Sample
Linda and John Sankey
Laura and Karl Sauereisen
Molly Sauereisen
Rene and Eric Sauereisen
Donna Schano
Laura Schatzkamer
Karen Matthews and Michael Scheier
Cris and Alex Scott
Carole and Emery Sedlak
Diana Senan
Ed Seserko
Megan and George Shaw
Anne Shearon
Shoshana and David Shelton
Kim and Ed Siddons
Richard Sikon
Jean and Bob Simmonds
Gayle and Bill Simpson
Terri Simpson
Jenny and George Siple
Ann Welsh and Timothy Slavish
Lisanne Smith
Maria and Bob Smith
Shannon and Ryan Smith
Mary Ann and Allen Snyder
Naomi and Jason Sperry
Amy and Michael Srodes
Julie Srodes
Judy and Morton Stafford
Sheila and Stephen Stagnitta
Sarah and Stephen Stallings
Judith Stanfield
Dee and George Stathis
Joseph Stemm
Dan and Danielle Stern
Joann and Robert Stiffler
Megan Garrison and Chris Stinnett
Carol Stonis
Kim Strohm
Edwin Sttassburger
Susan Stuart
Patricia Dalby and Harry Stump
Nancy Succop
Judith and Michael Sullivan
Jodi and Steve Susnak
Suzanne Alexander and David Sweitzer
Cynthia Tabor
Shelley and Jim Taylor
Linda and Jay Thier
George Thompson
Lynn Thompson
Donna and Tom Timcho
Ann and Jeff Todd
Halina Zyczynski and Geoffrey Tolge
Susan and Andrew Trageser
Yvonne Chao and Russell Traister
Margo Troutman
Laura Kisloff and Chris Tsai
Elissa and Matthew Tunnon
Dina and Greg Valant
Katie and Steve Vautrain
Kathy Counihan and Frank Vertosick
Huck and Michelle Vogel
Beth and Keith Vukmir
Shannon and Brian Vukmir
Elizabeth Wainwright
Thomas Walker
Kathleen Wan
Susanne C. Wean and R. John Wean, III
Donna Wehrle
Joseph Weis
Louise Eckman and Harvey Murray Weissman
Joanne Steele Welsh and Thomas Welsh
Moni Wesner
John West
The West Family
Benjamin White
James and Lauren White
Lhea and Tom Wiese
Cherelle Wilkins
Sandra and Bill Woncheck
Sarah Woodings
Diana Yankes
Lois and Phillip Yannotti
Alison and Michael Yonas
Shari and Jason Zatman
Jennifer and Brian Zimmerman
Ariel and Noah Zych